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Study Report
An Assessment of the LGCDP Emergency Grant Support in Earthquake Affected Districts
Nepal Emergency Response of LGCDP-II
Annual Quality Assurance Assessment (AQAA) of LGCDP II
Draft Report - Baseline and Citizen Perception Survey for the LGCDP II
Capacity Development Strategy for the Local Governance and Community Development Programme II
Software Uses, Requirement and Analysis Report of local bodies (Eastern Region)
With the arrival of ICT Volunteers at local bodies, our prior strategy was to understand the use of software or to internalize the use of software in daily work in the local bodies. A survey related to understand the need of the local bodies regarding software being used was vital.
The initial survey relating to the current trends of technology in "ICT Survey" conducted all over Nepal, was an eye opener towards the current status of technology in local bodies.
A report on Achievements, Issues/Challenges & Way Forward regarding ICT at local bodies
Social Media Report of Eastern Region
Social media is a very powerful tool, in order to provide interactive services to citizens, promote transparency and accountability and to disseminate information, and noticed easily and rapidly among citizens and staff. Facebook is a very popular social media and citizens have high access to it. These reports will help us prioritize our areas and gives us more idea about how to promote and use social media in local body.
MCPM Assessment Report 2012 LBFCS