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एक थुकी सुकी सयौ थुकी नदि- साब्रा भुल्के नागरिक सचेतना केन्द्र
साब्रा भुल्के बस्ति तेह्रथुम जिल्लाको लालीगुराँस नगरपालिका वडा नं.१ मा रहेको छ । २०६७ साल मंसिर देखि स्थानीय शासन तथा सामुदायिक बिकास कार्यक्रमवाट पिछडिएको साब्रा भुल्के बस्तिलाई छनौट गरि २०६७/१२/१० गते यो सचेतना केन्द्र स्थापना भई संचालनमा रहेको छ I जसमा दलित ३, जनजाती ५, अन्य १८ गरि जम्मा २६ घरधुरी आवद्ध छन । यस नागरिक सचेतना केन्द्रमा सबै जना सदस्यहरु महिला रहेका छन् ।
Regional Workshop on Strengthening Systems for Social Protection and Civil Registration Project
A two day Regional Workshop on Strengthening Systems for Social Protection and Civil Registration Project was organized by Department of Civil Registration, MoFALD at Biratnagar on 9-10 February 2017 at Hotel Xenial, Biratnagar, Morang.
LGCDP Regional Consultative Workshop in Biratnagar
A two day Regional Consultative Meeting of Local Governance and Community Development Program II was organized by Regional Coordination Unit, Biratangar on 20-21 December at Hotel Asiatic, Biratnagar, Morang.
The overall objective of the meeting was to review the regional level progress and identify possible activities and priority areas for the transition period after June 2017 while also discussing potential intervention areas for the next phase of Sub National Governance Program.
Capacity Building Training - II
Pictures from Capacity Building Training - II of ICT Volunteers from RCU Dhulikhel, Biratnagar, Nepalgunj and Dhangadhi. (click on photo to start slideshow)
अनियमतता गर्ने सामाजिक परिचालकलार्इ दण्ड सहित जरिवाना
LGCDP Server training provided to UN Volunteers
LGCDP Server training provided to UN Volunteers
Municipality Website Training of Biratnagar RCU
Municipality Website Training of Biratnagar RCU
Software Uses, Requirement and Analysis Report of local bodies (Eastern Region)
With the arrival of ICT Volunteers at local bodies, our prior strategy was to understand the use of software or to internalize the use of software in daily work in the local bodies. A survey related to understand the need of the local bodies regarding software being used was vital.
The initial survey relating to the current trends of technology in "ICT Survey" conducted all over Nepal, was an eye opener towards the current status of technology in local bodies.
A report on Achievements, Issues/Challenges & Way Forward regarding ICT at local bodies